i can't begin to tell you how ready i am to eat again.
i shan't bore you with the details of the diet, or the training. just know that it is on. i am happy with how i look even though i am still hanging onto a sh!tpile full of water. but yet everyday i can still see how much leaner i am. i am really looking forward to seeing what i really look like when all this water comes off.
my friend speed racer sent me a text recently. she told me that she was proud of me. i thanked her for the text and i have to admit that i am proud of me too. i think that there were a sh!tload of challenges this prep and i managed to find ways around them. i've made some really positive improvements with my physique, as i continue to lean out, they become even more apparent to me. in some ways i am in awe that i was able to do this. guess it just goes to show ya what hard work and perserverance can do.
i'm not sure if i will find the time to blog again before i fly out. in fact i really should be sleeping because i need to get my azz back to the gym for cardio round 2.
allow me to leave you with this picture of me practicing last week end. once upon a time, hands down my weakest pose... currently, not so weak. oh and before i forget... i am so freakin rockin my routine.
p.s: i've got the greatest friends. i WOULD not have successfully made this run without some of the best friends ever. folks i don't know if i can ever truly thank. but here goes, in no particular order, (i remind you that i don't get a lot of carbs so i am likely to inadvertantly miss a name or two... i mean nothing by it):
speed racer
berns of passion fruit designs www.passionfruitdesigns.com
i owe you HUGE, thank you