Monday, February 02, 2009

still aboard the injury train

well we have finally hit february and groundhogs the world over have predicted 6 more weeks of winter.

i am still in a pretty positive place even though i am currently rotating injuries. i somehow managed to injure myself getting into my truck and i had to spend a few days training around the hip flexor. that first day it was so painful i was having trouble walking. it seems to have gotten better on it's own. i am very thankful.

i finally went into see terri about the shoulder today. some of the treatment was so painful i honestly thought i might throw up. i am happy to report i didn't and as per usual terri made it all better. my right shoulder was more forward than it should be, and higher than it should be and my first rib had relocated itself as well.

and on sunday i went and checked out the new local skatepark.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How's that hip? Still better feeling? Have u been icing it? I hope it starts feeling better soon. I'm very happy to hear you are still in good spirits and hope they continue to rise with continued good circumstances.
