Sunday, November 01, 2009

up on the good foot

it was four days after my last blog posting that i was kicked out of rehab. not because i graduated out successfully and not because i ran out of money to pay. it wasn't working and if i was correctly diagnosed there should have been marked improvement by that time. i was given an appointment for the following week to see the sports doctor again.

once again he tested and re-tested my knee. he concurred that there had to be something else going on in that knee. none of the tests he performed gave a real indication what the problem was, but still i could not even squat my body weight on one leg. so he ordered the MRI. the notification from the hospital said that my MRI would be conducted 85 days later. i called in to see about getting placed on a cancellation list, but they don't keep one. they are a 24 hour facility, i don't really think that they even have staff to man the phones. either way the lady who answered checked to see if anyone had canceled and my MRI is going to be done later today.

i've spent the last few days scouring youtube for videos on MRI's. to know what to expect and to see how much space i will have. there is a warning in my information packet about people with claustrophobia. which i have but i am counting on a few things. mostly that i will be put in feet first. if it is open on either end then i should be able to deal if they put me in head first. and mostly that i know that i can't get where i need to go without this piece of the puzzle... so my plan is to attack it like i attack any gym challenge... i will attempt to soldier through.

it probably won't surprise too many to learn that i have yet to tell any of my family members what i am going through. sure they have seen the limping and the weird way i negotiate stairs. they've heard and seen my yelp suddenly and grab my knee. when they have asked so far i haven't been too forthcoming with information. why? well there has been a pretty consistant sentiment thus far from anyone who has heard about my injury.

'well with the amount of weight your lifting, something like that had to happen.'

yes i admit that i do not waste my time in the gym lifting what i can easily and without challenge. i am trying to add muscle mass to my frame and i simply can't do that with a low weight, high rep scenario. as well i am not a novice, nor am i an idiot. i do not attempt to lift weights that i haven't worked up to, or that i am not prepared to lift. can i say for a fact that this didn't happen because of the weight training? no i cannot but i also can't say for certain that it is the cause of it either.

fact during my growth phase i developed a condition called osgood schlatters disease as i understand it i basically grew bones first. my muscles and tendons didn't grow at the same rate so there was less cushion in the joint and i suspect less stability. i was an active child involved in a lot of sports up until that time. a lot of high impact activities. after i was able to resume my active lifestyle i got involved with more high impact sports softball, alpine skiing, rollerblading, off road moutain biking. who is to say that the original cause of injury wasn't based on any of those factors?

either way what caused it, is irrelevant. the fact is that something in there is amiss and needs to be fixed. at some point some form of surgical procedure is going to be performed and at that time i am going to have to tell my family what is going on. i can take myself to the hospital for the MRI, but there is no way i will be released after surgery without someone to take me home. but know that if i could... i would.

wish me luck.

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