Tuesday, April 10, 2012

and on the 30th day she wrote...

well it is with both pride and a bit of a heavy heart that i submit this post. this being the official last post of the 30-day challenge. i am quite proud of the bloke and i, we got a lot of things accomplished.

mostly what i got out of this challenge, besides the opportunity to have some fun abusing the english language, was learning that there are still some uncharted writing skills that i have yet to develop. but mostly what i have learned was that my high school english teachers didn't know sh#t and they all just can suck it!!

i really didn't want to limp to the finish line with this post, i really wanted to finish strong. sort of the written equivalent of usain bolt. but for that i would need a really awesome topic and unfortunately i don't have one. so instead i will tell you a true story.

i used to entertain myself in online chat rooms and through that media i virtually met a lot of people throughout the u.s and canada. i didn't however always meet the smartest of people.

some americans, for whatever reason, have really unrealistic impressions of the canadian climate. and in these chat rooms i found myself frequently correcting the belief that i lived in an igloo and travelled by husky.

as you may have gathered from reading my blog, i am a bit of a smart ass by nature, i have a pretty vivid imagination, a quick wit and can spin a believable yarn. it now occurs to me that i may have missed my true calling... a life of crime, anyway i digress.

i was having a virtual conversation with a women who claimed to be a grade school teacher. if memory serves it wasn't even winter and she was convinced that we were completely snow bound. since i was in a mood i went with it.

i recall telling the woman there was a basically a four foot wall of snow that you hit as soon as you crossed the 49th parallel. i admitted to owning and exclusively driving a snowmobile.

but the piece de resistance and to this date i couldn't tell you where this pile of bull came from, i told her that there was a law in canada that you could only dress your children in a snowsuit that was neon yellow. she demanded to know why and was aghast to learn that the government held that kind of control. until i reminded her that with 4 ft. snow drifts it was far too easy to loose one's children unless they were appropriately dressed.

and you guessed it... she freakin' bought it!!!


S-NJ said...

I think I remember you telling me that story about the dumbass gullible person from the states. Something about the yellow snow suit is what tells me we chatted about this situation. So I'm guessing I'm more knowledgeable about CAN weather than these "Americans" you have come across on these chat rooms! :) Must be my following of the NHL that has educated me to CAN weather...hmm, or the fact that I'm not a gullible dumbass! :) Too many embarrassing "Americans" out there!

S-NJ said...

Now on a brighter note, congratulations on going the 30 days! I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's good to see you happy about something.