Friday, April 06, 2012

a question posed by the bloke

"do you know any truly happy people?"

thankfully i say that i do not. why would i be thankful about that? because i believe that being truly happy would make you lethargic. i am convinced that because we are not truly happy, we push ourselves to make improvements and changes that will hopefully lead to true happiness.

it is my belief that technological advancements and societal improvements happen when people try to make things better... try to make themselves happier. consider that someone might realize that they would be happier if they had more time to spend with their loved ones. that desire might inspire him/her to improve current technology, invent a new machine or application that saves time.

i would say that i know people who a happier than i.

i have a friend who is a constant source of inspiration to me. she is the kind of person who always seems to be making lemonade, no matter how many lemons life throws at her. she lives her life knowing that you can't make yourself miserable, worrying over the things you cannot change. she approaches any problem by first getting as much information as she can. and with that information she devises the best plan of how to 'fix' it.

i know people who are secure in the knowledge that they are in the career they are meant to be in. or if they are not already in it, the are well aware of what that career is and are taking the necessary steps to get there.

i have both friends and acquaintances who have love in their lives. granted relationships can be rocky to negotiate at times but in most cases, the love is still there.

as i suggested earlier i am not as happy as i could be. there are still too many things that are uncertain or unsettled in my life. but i want to be happy. so i continue to strive for that goal. that unachievable goal- true happiness.

everyday i get that much closer and yet everyday it moves that much further away.

1 comment:

Bloke423 said...

I think there is great wisdom here. Seriously.

A lot of food for thought.

The Bloke