Saturday, April 14, 2012

the signs of spring

have you ever noticed the sudden surge in people running and jogging along our city streets as soon as it gets warmer out?

i can't help but notice that 90% of those people move like they haven't run since they were in grade school. their stride looks awkward, their gait is off, their body posture looks counter productive.

i saw this black woman running this morning and i have never seen anyone move like that. she didn't run all crazy like the television character from 'friends' but i am sure if she had, it would have been less traumatic for me.

do you know how some men and women walk with some extra backseat undulation? well try to imagine someone jogging along the roadway with that kind of extraneous movement. for the life of me i can't understand how she was able to continue to move in a forward direction. surely that booty flailing should have shaken her off course some how.

you know sometimes i think maybe i shouldn't allow folks to experience the madness that happens betwixt my ears.


Bloke423 said...

That is so bad and yet, so laughter-inducing! As my dad often used to say: "It must be jelly coz jam don't shake like that!"

On a positive note: If she keeps up the physical activity, maybe next time you see, she'll have a fraction less in the bottom-department to undulate....

Oh, by the way, your special seat in the very warm location is ready.

The Bloke

miche said...

i make it a point to tell all my friends to bring marshmallows. i know where i'm going.