Wednesday, May 09, 2012

shock the monkey to life

first of all my apologies to mr. gabriel, but his lyric is ever so fitting.

yesterday i went for a massage and rmt paul wanted to know the date of my next show, apparently he wishess to attend.

i explained that i still require quad symmetry before i can even consider returning to the stage. the left quad atrophied quite a lot after my injury and though i have gained back some of what i lost i still have a ways to go.

he and his partner believe then can ensure that all available muscle fibers are firing. although i am kind of scared, dare i say poop-less, of their treatment plan i have decided to give it a shot.

next tuesday evening rmt paul is going to massage my legs then anthony, his partner, is going to fire acupuncture needles into my quads. anthony will then hook me up to electrodes for deep muscle stimulation.

rmt paul showed me a couple videos of the technique. it is all kind freaky seeing the little jumper cable attachments clipped to the acupuncture needles and then watching the lot dance in the patients skin.

i think i am going to talk rmt paul into handing me my phone after i am all hooked up. i want to shoot a clip of it for you guys, if i am allowed.

the hard part, beyond sitting there with needles stuck in my legs, will be fighting the urge to do a frankenstein imitation... or would that be frankenmiche??

1 comment:

Bloke423 said...

This procedure sounds like it might be quite effective. At the very least, you'll be able to kill two birds with one stone and recharge your phone while achieving muscle stimulation.

The Bloke