Sunday, July 15, 2012

puttin' on my big girl pants

i suppose after the subject of my previous blog post any mention of undergarments might be a tad alarming. however i assure you that this post has nothing to do with any wardrobe malfunctions or missteps. so what the dickens am i on about now? i merely refer to my first fan-fiction attempt and the steps i have taken to 'get it out there.'

a few months back i wrote my first attempt at fan-fiction and after i shared it i was encouraged to continue the story to its logical end. to date the only one who has read the completed piece is the bloke, as he has been kind enough to edit it for me.

even though the fic is still somewhat un-edited i decided to take a chance and share it. i really want to get some feedback and constructive criticism. the bloke with his pom-poms held high assures me that folks will be impressed. however as i am a natural born pessimist i am fully prepared for folks to tell me to take up knitting!

about 3 copies went out to people who actually like me but the big girl pants refers to the requests i sent to other fic writers, strangers if you will... to see if they might be interested in taking a peek. i have yet to hear back but not everyone spends as much time online as i do.

regardless of how the fic writers respond to my first attempt i will applaud myself for taking yet another important step. a step outside of my comfort zone.

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