as i mentioned jennifer is helping me with my offseason program. as i feared her first order of business was to hack away at one of my training days. so i am now only training 4 days of the week. she suspects i might be a hard gainer and require more rest to grow. she also recommends that i nap on the weekends which i did successfully sunday and that put me into a bit of a pickle.
she also thinks i need more food to grow as well and has bumped up my daily caloric intake by heaps. getting it all in is tough. the nap that i attempted to take on sunday turned into a 5 hour sleep. i woke up 1 hour before my bedtime with four meals left to consume. needless to say i was up for hours!
today was my first training day. the split is different, the rep scheme is different and we will be introducing some new exercises as well. its going to take some getting used to as i suppose change generally does. jennifer likes to keep the workouts varied to shock the muscles and keep them guessing. i tend to be a creature of habit so constantly doing a new workout is going to be a challenge in and of itself. good thing i like challenge.
i learned during my last offseason that cottage cheese tasted very good when added to muscle milk strawberry protein powder. i learned last night however that it does not go with muscle milk's chocolate mint flavour. i don't really enjoy eating cottage cheese but until i get some new protein i guess i will be soldiering in the 1/2 cup at night.
the things we do for mass.
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