Monday, October 16, 2006

hang on dorothy... kansas is about to go bye-bye

its been one hell of an interesting past few days. oh my friends where to begin? well I guess the most logical start point is back where I left off.

I saw george on Friday. george has been calling my diets for the past 6+ years. I went to see him because of my inability to control and/or correct my weight. I had been searching for information on the internet. I wanted to find out what to do, should you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having put on waaaay to much weight post show. I could find thousand upon thousands of articles that tell you why you shouldn’t do it, but nothing to tell you how to handle it once the damage was already done.

I told george how I ate like a 6 year old the entire two weeks, (I was not allowed to train), post show. and how I then went back into full diet mode to try to get back into show shape for my photo shoot. after 5 weeks of hard dieting the 6 year old returned and I ate pretty much like that until I started with Jennifer. I told him how I was currently 33lbs over my contest weight and no matter what I tried; dropping calories, upping cardio… none of it had any affect whatsoever.

the condition I was in, was of great concern to george. he has known me for over 6 years and said that he has never seen me like that before. I had a certain wild-eyed panicked stricken look about me. I guess the good thing about that was that it helped george see that my concerns were genuine and causing me a great deal of stress. it is that stress that is keeping me from making any changes to my physique regardless of how and what I try.

so george has a bevy of ideas to try. the first of which is getting me to calm da fawk down before I implode.

so what about Jennifer? that my friends is a decision to be made later.

I didn’t sleep very well satuday night and I was in no condition to get up and go to work on Sunday morning… but I did. and maybe that’s part of what happened. a couple of members got it into their heads that they wanted to discuss with me, the supplement program of my ex-training partner. well I’m sure you can appreciate that this was not a conversation I intended to have and I told them that straight up. they however had every intention of discussing it… and to discuss it with me no less. well I work there so my reactions to member comments have to be tempered and I was doing my level best to do that. but I am a giant bundle of nerves without provocation. to add insult to injury they decided to compare her physique to mine. the long and the short of it, I tried to make a joke ‘what are ya callin me small?? dude… you never tell a bodybuilder that they are small.’

well these two members are real mensa giants and they just kept pushing till I couldn’t take it anymore.. well I couldn’t hit either of them I chose to slam my hand down onto the counter top pretty much as hard as I could. hard enough to cause the cash register to fly open all by itself, hard enough to crush the ring that I wear on my hand. I was literally shaking at this point I was that angry.

I decided to cancel my afternoon client and speed racer and I took our bikes out for a ride.

I am glad of two things yesterday… one that speed racer was free to go riding and two that jade started up on the first try. im sure had she decided to be finicky and difficult I would have ended up in my backyard in the fetal position screaming into my helmet.

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