Friday, May 30, 2008

finishing strong

here i sit, in my second last week of dieting. the show is THAT close and according to george i am ready. allow me to qualify that, i am holding a sh!t ton of water. we are convinced it is from stress and expect during the three days i will be alone in my winnipeg hotel room, sleeping, eating and posing i will drop the water that is currently hanging on for dear life.

when i pose, you can see detail and veins that i have never shown before. mixed with the muscle i put on in the offseason and when this water comes off, well it could be pretty scary. of course i mean scary in a good way.

as near as i can figure from the results of the last 3 caliper readings, i have been able to come in without burning off any of the lean mass. the other difference with this years prep is that i haven't always felt as shady as i have in preps past. i also have to say it's only in the final few weeks that i'm noticing a drop in strength.

so in light of the challenges that this prep brought. it would appear that i have met the challenges and i still managed to get 'er done. the other day a friend of mine sent me a link to nadia nardi's blog. nadia basically said that you can't control what happens during your prep. sh!t is gonna happen, an athlete keeps his/her head down and keeps chugging whereas others would fold like a deck of cards and fill the air with their tales of woe.

personally, i'd rather be an athlete.

you know i should put some pics up in here. i'm sure speed racer would agree... she wouldn't strike you as such a visual person but that woman sure loves pics.

till next time... i remain in the trenches!!!!

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