Saturday, January 09, 2010

knows changes aren't permanent, but change is

i was supposed to pay attention to the lyrics of rush's tom sawyer today. well that is, if you believe in fate and i do. first the song featured predominately in a movie i was watching today and then when i was driving to the gym to train it played again. the boys of rush are a little cerebral for me, so i don't get all the symbolism in the song but what i do get... speaks to me.

things have been going a lot better for me of late. i don't know if it is because i am days out from finally starting my knee treatment, or perhaps it is because i have been working. not regularly but i have been working. to top it off training has been going really well also even my shoulder training day. shoulder day and i don't usually get along but as i said things have been much better even considering my schedule of late. the contract i've been on hasn't exactly subscribed to the typical 9-5 work day and i am getting to the gym at all kinds of hours.

i think that we are ruled by the fates. i think that situations, challenges and people come into our lives to direct us and steer us along the path we are to tread. sometimes the journey is easy and sometimes it is anything but, but no matter the road you hoe, you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

i have no idea what comes next on this crazy rollercoaster called life. but i take comfort in the fact that through it all, i'm still standing.

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