Saturday, March 17, 2012

cheat meals rock!!!

lately, i have been implementing a x-rep training protocol. this program is supposed to allow you to build lean muscle without using extremely heavy weights. you have to give your joints and ligaments a break as the years of heavy lifting eventually takes its toll. since i started having issues with my knee i realized that i just couldn't squat that heavy anymore. i was in the market to try something new and this program was recommended by someone in the industry that i respect.

the first couple weeks i tried the program i noticed a difference but i wasn't eating as well as i could have been. so i obviously wasn't going to see any lean muscle gains, so it was time to really give this program a test. the x-rep program runs in 6 week cycles with an off-week. the off-week allows the lifters central nervous system (CNS) time to reset itself.

what i am doing is eating 1750 clean calories a day for 6 weeks. then i allow myself a single, no holds barred cheat meal. i can't really stay completely out of the gym for a week, so i do what is known as de-load training. when you de-load, you train only to keep the blood moving and you keep your training poundages fairly light.

today was my cheat meal. i went for a burger and sweet potato fries at jack astor's and i came home and laid ruin to mccain's deep 'n delicious chocolate cake. chocolate cake frequently appears in my cheat meals. what can i say? i am a woman who loves her chocolate cake.

the program is working out pretty well i have to say. i am down 12 lbs from the start of the year. i also know that i dropped 2" off my mid-section in the past 6 weeks alone. i am pretty pleased with my bicep measurements but my calves are still lagging. bicep and calf measurements should be the same to have a balanced looking physique. so clearly i still have plenty of hard work to do.

luckily i am not afraid of hard work.


Bloke423 said...

This is very interesting stuff! And I love the use of the term "laid ruin"!

By the way, I believe I've gained those 12 lbs. you've lost.

The Bloke

S-NJ said...

Will This be the 3rd set of 6 wk'rs? I've lost count.

miche said...

it will be the 3rd set