Tuesday, May 15, 2012

on pins and needles

i was able to shoot a video clip of the acupuncture muscle stimulation therapy. it really wasn't as gnarly as i feared it might be.

it wasn't the electro-stim that worried me, i have only ever had an acupuncture needle inserted once before and suffice it to say that it didn't go well. well to be honest i went just this side of bat sh#t crazy and demanded that it be taken out.

so since it went okay i am going back again for more next week. i was told two or three sessions and i should see some improvement, if it is indeed going to work for me.

maybe next week i will get him to turn it up higher... maybe we can make the electrodes do the macarena.

the video clip has been edited to just over two minutes. it was a ten minute procedure but i thought i would only include the highlights. do not adjust your set, there is no sound.

1 comment:

Storm1 said...

omg! that seemed so intense!