Friday, June 29, 2012

the beat goes on

i believe the rib and vertabrae issues are behind me, (feverishly knocking on wood). i cannot put into words the relief that realization has brought to me and more importantly to my sanity. which means i am now back in the gym.

the decision to return to the gym was met with little enthusiasm by family and friend alike. while i am touched at the outpouring of care and support it is extremely difficult to explain, to those people, how hard it is on me when i can't train.

i am reminded of what my mother used to ask me back when i was a child. the poor woman could not understand how a daughter of hers seemingly could not sit still. she would frequently ask, "do you have ants?"

i am an athlete and i have that mindset. i need to compete and i need to train to compete.

periods of inactivity, especially when i feel healthy cause more stress than anything. people assume it means that i have little regard for the quality of my life when i am older. the truth of the matter is that i do care what kind of 'shape' i will be in... however i also have to be concerned with my quality of life and my sanity right now!

that said, i have made the best possible decision for a safe return to the gym. i am following a de-load training protocol. all exercise choices are machine based options. it is necessary to ensure that my back is fully supported during this time. i am also working a three set, ten rep scheme with poundages that i usually reserve for warm-ups. this conservative plan allows me to at least be doing something while i continue to heal. hopefully by next week i can train more effectively.

i should also mention that i shared this plan with my athletic therapist and she is in full support. i have been taking my aches and pains to her for about 15 years. an athletic therapist works to get the athlete back into game shape. through those 15 years i suffered three injuries in which she felt that time off  was necessary. it almost killed me to stop but i did it. it should go without saying that during my time off, she moved heaven and earth to get me back on my skates as quickly as possible. 

i tacked on 5 lbs during my time off. after two workouts and a return to a more responsible eating plan i am down about 3 lbs. go me!

no word yet from my doctor's office. that could mean that my doctor hasn't received my test results yet. it could also mean that the results are back but there is not need for action and/or concern. if i still haven't heard anything my next friday i will call her office and ask.

yesterday i was asked to fill-in for a vacationing co-worker. i was temporarily back on the account that i worked on previously. it went well up until about 2 pm when the woman on the afternoon shift started. 

i seriously can't figure that woman out. it has been 6 months since we have had to work together. if you recall quite mysteriously in late november she basically refused to speak to me. it made the work environment hostile. seeing as her and i were the only two artists on the account it made it even harder to get the job done.

there were several meetings between management and i as well as between management and her and still the hostility remained. when i was scheduled to be transferred off the account, she was all sweetness and light. one day back on the account and the b!tch was back!!

there was a lot of muttering and cursing when i finally got to my car that night. imagine the state of mind i would have been in if i hadn't gone to the gym to work it out.

edited to add:

just got the call from the doctor's office. the results are in, there is a very small umbilical hernia and there were no other areas of concern. clearly the 'whoosh' was nothing to worry about after all!! 

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