Wednesday, June 27, 2012

belly of the beast

well the past several days have been pretty interesting to say the least.

i haven't been to the gym in TEN DAYS!!!
the mystery rib/vertabrae issue required one massage and three treatments before i was relatively pain-free. i spent the past weekend in bed and/or shuffling very stiffly around my home. and i was never too far away from my friend, mr. ice pack.

i haven't been to the gym in TEN DAYS!!!

monday morning, i had a doctor's appointment. i've noticed an oddity that i was hoping was not an umbilical hernia. unfortunately my doctor agrees with my diagnosis. damn! 

i haven't been to the gym in TEN DAYS!!!
the next course of action was to book an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the treatment options. unless the hernia is severe or likely to cause an issue, they are typically left alone.

i haven't been to the gym in TEN DAYS!!!
in an interesting turn of events. there was some sort of 'whoosh' noise that my doctor heard in my abdomen. this sound caused her some concern. so much so, that i had yet to clear the waiting room before i was called back into her office. she wanted her colleague to have a listen.

i haven't been to the gym in TEN DAYS!!!
the other doctor confirmed the 'whoosh' and poked at my 'hernia.' the ultrasound could also determine what could be causing that sound. i was told not to worry. umm... yeah... okay... sure.

i haven't been to the gym in TEN DAYS!!!
i had barely cleared the parking garage when i received a call from my doctor's office! my ultrasound appointment was scheduled for the next day!!! suffice it to say that i have been failing the "don't worry" direction... miserably.

i haven't been to the gym in TEN DAYS!!!
yesterday, i had the ultrasound and i have a question. why do all laboratory technicians have to look so damn concerned while they conduct tests? how the 'eff' am i supposed to stave the unrestrained panic... if the tech is staring at the monitor as though she sees something the likes of which she has never seen before?

oh and i haven't been to the gym in TEN DAYS!!!

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