even though i am not currently working as a personal trainer it is important to me to keep my certification current. to that end yesterday found me down at the can-fit-pro conference sitting through a few lectures to amass some continuing education credits. my first lecture was actually about blogging and since i have this little spot in the virtual universe i decided that was a lecture i needed to attend.
during her presentation amanda vogel asked if we preferred personal contact or online contact. initially there was some confusion with regard to what she was asking but the group soon assured ms. vogel that they preferred personal contact.
i am a square peg in a sea of round holes... so it really shouldn't surprise anyone, that unlike the rest of the class, i feel far more comfortable with online contact.
back when i spent my days at rampage skate park. i was friends with a few of the other sport enthusiasts which was highly unusual as typically bmx riders and skateboarders didn't much care for rollerbladers. one rider and i had basically nothing more to say to each other in person than 'hi' or 'bye'. however at night we would be talking to each other in online chat rooms for most of the night. we really got to know each other really well and yet offline we barely spoke. we've maintained our friendship through the years, the only difference is now we 'talk' through blackberry messenger.
grant stopped by the gym yesterday evening. he used to work there and i haven't seen him in several months. it was really nice to catch up and hear what he's been getting up to. as the conversation drew to a close young grant stepped in to hug me goodbye. i should add that 'the bloke', who sometimes comments on this blog, was on the stationary bike to my left. 'the bloke' is well aware of my non-demonstrative nature and he found grant's request and the ensuing awkward clutch quite amusing.
i have to admit that i was fairly surprised that the bloke didn't tumble off the bike in a fit of giggles... and yes, 'the bloke' giggles. he would claim that he has a manly giggle but at best he giggles like a manly school girl!
there are a lot of people who seem to be spontaneous huggers so a decided advantage to online relationships is that you are not required to do anything more than the odd hugging smiley and even i can do that!
ms. vogel challenged us all to post a blog and send her the link. she plans to stop by and comment on all of the blog links she gets. i can't imagine what she would be moved to say about this... i guess there is truly only one way to find out.
i wanted to take a moment to point out that there are some definite
downsides to having my blog on an open forum. it now has the attention
of spammers. you will now notice that any comments that you make will
not immediately be posted to the blog. they will be moderated by yours
truly. i will have them posted as soon as i can. please know that as
soon as you enter them i get an email from blogger to let me know they
are there. i am sorry that this step is needed but there are clearly far
too many people out there with far too much time on their hands. but my
friends, please keep commenting. ~ thank you, miche
freaking priceless! I can't wait to read her comment..tee hee...lol
Hi Miche,
Yes, I am here to comment on your blog post! Yours was the first email I got after my canfitpro session. Well done!
A lot of people would rather interact with others in person than online, but sometimes it works well to "break the ice" online first.
Similar to your story, I have a friend who I've known for about 12 years and we've still never met. We started communicating via email and now on Facebook, too. She's also a fitness pro and I'm still trying to convince her to come to a fitness conference so we can meet. :)
Thanks for blogging!
storm1: i was kind of looking forward to it as well... and she didn't disappoint.
amanda: thanks for stopping by, i admit to anxiously awaiting your comment. i hope you will get to meet your friend soon!
You're welcome! Thanks for coming to my session at canfipro and taking me up on the blogging challenge! I still have to write on my blog this week, so you beat me to it.
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