the struggles continue. i am adding words but i am not confident in them. hopefully all can be fixed in the second edit. but good words or bad there was another 150 added in today's effort.
trapper john was back at the gym today but he wisely left his furry hat at home. i wonder if he reads my blog?
in other gym news there is a very real chance that i squirted out another rib today. i either did it during front squats or when i was in the power squat machine. the padding on the yolk is fubared and i was distracted by what felt like a bolt head digging into my shoulder. i may have tried to shift away from the bolt head and likely made sh!t a whole lot worse.
in the insult to injury department: it turns out that the sports medicine clinic is open for business tomorrow, however my athletic therapist is at home with a busted ankle!! it's either going to be a case of miche heal thyself or suck it up and hope she heals quickly.
tomorrow i am supposed to dead lift and the focus of this six week training cycle is to either meet or best my previous record lift. it might be tricky with an errant rib.
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