Saturday, March 23, 2013

pour some jesus on me

not that long ago i was driving home from work and due to uncooperative traffic i was forced to find an alternate route home. this route had me passing an area of town that i had not been in a while. it would appear that some businesses had changed during my absence. the change that i found most shocking was to the old strip club. it is now a seventh day adventist church!

as i continued on my way home i was felled by an attack of the giggles. i also wondered exactly what was involved in converting a peeler bar into a church. it can't be as simple as a fresh coat of paint, adding rows of pews, taking poor some sugar on me out of the sound system and replacing it with holy, holy, holy.

i figure there has to be some sort of exorcist who is responsible for turning the player's club into the prayer's club.

and once again i have guarantted that i am gonna burn in hell but it has been a while since i blogged and i figured i owed you a good one.

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