Thursday, March 28, 2013

too much information?

i tend to engage the sales staff in conversation when i visit stores i frequently shop at. i am not trying to be too intrusive, i simply ask, "how are you doing today?" based on a recent experience i think i want to engage anyone else in the future.

generally the sales associate will assure me that they are 'fine', whether they are actually fine or not. so i was quite unprepared to hear of the parent who was in the hospital fighting cancer. i suddenly found myself face to face with a very angry, very frightened sales associate. please don't get me wrong i do understand the anger and the fear but frankly i had just stopped in to pick up a few things. it is somewhat comforting to note that the other customer in the store looked as befuddled as i felt.
it was truly sad to note her disgust at the medical staff who had mentioned the advancements in cancer research and that knowledge had led to more cases of successful treatment. the associate felt the doctor's were lying and trying to fill their head with false hope.

in this day and age we have all been touched by at least one person who has fought cancer to some degree. of the people that i know, i can't help but believe that their spirit had a direct effect on their prognosis. i am talking about the kind of person who's attitude was 'ok what do i need to do because this thing isn't beating me.'

i am by no means suggesting that the advances in medicine did not play a significant part and i am well aware that i simply don't know the extent or the gravity of this particular situation but i am of the belief that along with early detection, regular check ups and clean living... positivity and tenacity have an equally important role in the fight.

hopefully there will be good news delivered to that sales associates family.

1 comment:

Bloke423 said...

Very well said, Michelle!

The Bloke