Sunday, September 20, 2009

another brick in the wall

remember the last post how i told you that my knee wasn't getting in the way of my training. well that was then, and this is now.

i was at the gym earlier today. it was my quad workout and i was doing my squat warm up. my first set was 135 lbs and i did an easy 3 reps. felt good, no pain, no twinges. went up to 225 lbs and did another easy 3 reps. still felt good, no pain, no twinges. went up to 275 lbs, put on the belt, which is usually where i put it on, i don't need it at this weight but its where i start to use it. started to squat when all of a sudden my knee buckled under me. i had set the safeties and they caught the weight, as of course they are designed to do.

so i ducked my head out from under the bar and i laid on the ground for a while. then i took out my phone and i gave terri a call. she said that it was time to get an x-ray because i might be looking at something a bit more serious than we first thought.

to quote florida evans "dayummmm, dayummmm, dayummmm!!!!!"

i tell you i need this like i need a hole in the head. oh speaking of holes in the head. ironically enough i lost a filling in the week and i now have a new hole in my molar. i haven't gone to get it fixed yet, since i'm not working yet and all.

anyway, here is the edited video from the deadlift session mentioned in my previous blog.

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