Saturday, December 29, 2012

day thirteen


there is a word, a phrase that i am struggling to find. for reasons unknown my ability to find the words i need escape me. after i stalled out at the 200 word mark i gave up. actually giving up is really not a fair assessment, i consider it more of a strategic retreat.

i did manage to make it in to train today but it was not a very impressive performance. i struggled with the weights that i had planned to use. i hope that it was merely fatigue from my cold bug and not any real loss of strength. a loss of strength would really piss me off right now.

since i stayed missed yesterday's workout i will be hitting the gym on holiday monday to stay somewhat on schedule.

sadly it is that time of year again when the gym if filled with knobs and noobs who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. while some of it is entertaining some of it is also quite frightening. i am sure some of you think i should go out of my way to save them from themselves but since i no longer work there i just prefer to point and laugh. well i point on the inside i just snicker on the outside.

hey... i never said i was a nice person.

1 comment:

Storm1 said...

what I love is when the noobs try to be rude and treat the regs funny...ah this time of year teaches patience...