you may have noticed that i haven't shared any updates on the basketball story that i had been working on. there is a reason for that. i wrote a game sequence as i felt that a basketball story without a scene on the courts would not be much of a basketball story. the problem is that i never played the game. so i relied heavily on my imagination and flavoured it with things that happened in games that i had watched.
'getting it right' is important to me and i felt it prudent to share that chapter with someone who played collegiate basketball competitively. sadly my story still seems to be loitering somewhere in her in-box. i have yet to hear her thoughts. if you know me well you know that i have pretty much convinced myself that she thinks that it is all garbage and she struggling to fine a polite way to suggest i take up knitting.
yes i confirmed she received the document. on one had it has been a little over a week. i am trying like hell to remain positive and to remain patient... but it is a struggle.
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