Thursday, April 27, 2006


last night i had a follow-up with the guy who is doing the diet portion of my show prep. again he was pleased with my progress and said that i was coming in nicely. i'm down about 7lbs since we started.

he still felt that it would be a good idea to make some changes. so at this point my cardio is unchanged but ive lost some calories from both my training days and my non-training days. the losses to the training days don't seem as tough to take as the non-training days, but that remains to be seen. hopefully this will have me losing more than a lb of fat a week.

he again re-iterated the importance of getting my sleep. a concept i am aware of, however, find it quite difficult to put it into practice.

take yesterday night for example. work makes it difficult to book early appointments, as i never know if i will be able to get out on time. i also found that the spray tan works best when i don't train the morning after. so an hour working out the diet and another hour for prep and 'tan' had me home about 10 pm.

now it's imperative that i start the dietary changes as soon as i'm given them, which meant i was up till 11:30 trying to figure it all out. once again my available sleep time is compromised.

oh well, i cancelled my training appointment for this evening and i intend to be in bed in a little while so hopefully i will be back on track for sleep.

i bid you all good night

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