Thursday, April 06, 2006

whats the miche-ine?

before i get started today i thought i'd explain the whole miche-ine thing. first of all i have not taken leave of my senses and secondly i am not experiencing a wave of conceit. basically the guys at evolution skate park, (which once upon a time was my home away from home), started calling me that my last season of summer camp. it was, i believe, their way of expressing their respect of my dedication and determination to my healthy living lifestyle. since the camp and the park are now gone, resurrecting 'the miche-ine' was just my way of fondly remembering the past.

today is thursday, a training off day. i am quite ambivalent about my off days. i spend most of the day chomping at the bit, almost unable to supress the desire to train. but i am required to have two of these off days a week. on one hand it does allow me to sleep in a bit. the lay off will serve me well as i currently have a few areas that require the services of both my massage and sport physiotherapists.

last night i went in for a follow-up with my nutritionist. i went in expecting that he would shave off another 150 calories and add more cardio to my training day. he had hoped that the changes we made 3 weeks ago would have had my weight down by 3lbs. i went in about 2lbs lighter than what i thought our goal was. but even though the scale isn't moving in the way i expect i can see very definite changes in my physique. and more importantly so could he!!!! as far as he is concerned we are very much on target. there is still lots of time to go and he intends to bring me in as full as he can. the idea being to be 'ready' early and cruise the last few weeks into the show.

we talked about the importance of consistancy as far as show prep is concerned. somehow i'm going to have to maintain consistant sleep patterns, (this by far is my greatest challenge to date) and control my stress level, (i.e. not freak out at every little thing... ok maybe this is my greatest challenge).

1 comment:

S-NJ said...

In order to meet the destressing & sleep goals.... when will you be checking in to that well stocked cave?! Haha!