its early saturday morning. another one of those times that i didn't get to bed as i should have. and unfortunately another time i found myself wandering the halls between 1:00-2:00 am. i'm not really sure what that is about, i am however hoping it was just another isolated incident.
it's almost time to go to the gym. first we are training chest and then later we will start working on my posing. i wish we didn't have to do it in the studio at the gym, but sadly there is no other option. the studio is not as private as i would like and people by nature are curious... curious people ask questions. remember this is a private quest, sure i've shared my goal with a few people, but when it gets right down to it... i'd rather focus on the goal at hand without distraction.
yesterday my coach showed up at the gym still suffering from a nasty case of post-workout soreness. he was limping around and he was getting in and out of machines with the grace of a geriatric with a porcelain hip. he caught me grinning and set out to teach me a lesson. what was originally supposed to be a 20 rep set became 30! it hurt like hell, but i gave him everyone of those reps the best that i could. so when he said post-set, that's what you get for laughing at me, i just turned and gave him the biggest, broadest smile i could muster.
you can bend me... but you can not break me!!!
I can picture that big broad smile right now! Way to go my friend! Keep it up!
Hope the posing went well & w/o 'distractions'!
one of the guys i work with wandered past the window while i was doing a front double bi. he started grinning and mimicking me. i changed it to a front bi with a front bird and caught sh*t from my coach for getting distracted. eventually the azz monkey got out of the window and i retracted the finger. where were you with the rapidfire fingers?? LOL
well u know if i was there in person the rapid fire fingers would have been in position & firing... rapidly! hehehe! of course if i worked w/ u i'd prbly mess w/ ya 2! but i guess the diff would be we are buds & i'm not an azzclown or azzmonkey! hahaa!
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