Thursday, April 20, 2006

fear of a muscular planet

had an interesting conversation at work today with a co-worker. i guess she decided to fill her time by trying to get a sense of miche or perhaps unlocking the mystery that is miche. now for those of you who know me well, you know that i've had most of you scratching your head for years.

it all started when she asked me if i had trained. i explained that it unfortunately an off-day. she asked how many off days were in my week and when they were. "tuesdays and thursdays... the days i'm cranky". she could not understand why i had off-days if they made me cranky. like it was my idea??!!!

from there we got into how i became a gym rat and after a brief trip through my sport history she asked me about how i spend my free time. when i stopped laughing she rephrased the question. she started to ask 'what i did for fun' but when she saw my face light up, she withdrew the question and tried again.

right now my life pretty much is sleep, eat, train, work, train clients, work at the gym, repeat. she really didn't get that and started listing activities do you go to the clubs, to the movies, to plays, to cultural events...

eventually i had to stop her and explain that my life is as it is right now, because i have goals. she asked what my goals were. "to get as big as i possibly can". she responded with horror, as most people do, where weight training and bodybuilding are concerned. then she wanted to know why i wanted to get bigger.

for those of you who are curious, this is why. one of the things i've never been able to understand is why natural bodybuilders generally are so small. just for clarity, i don't mean as in comparison to the enhanced bodybuilders, but rather in comparison to the rest of society. i feel the only way to truly understand why they aren't bigger is to try to be bigger myself and fail.

perhaps a lofty goal, but why dream in black and white when you can dream in high definition colour???

1 comment:

S-NJ said...

wow, you actually conversed w/ someone @ work! Shame this person couldn't be more open minded. But to be honest there was a day when I was younger & not as mature & probably would have said "ew" (for the record still to to roid using bb'rs). Luckily that only lasted into my mid 20's & I like to think by 28 I was a very opened minded person. So perhaps this person just hasn't had her eyes opened yet! I say Be open people!