there are some days when i just don't have anything to say, oddly enough it is not like there is a big empty vacuum inside my head. in fact it can be quite the opposite. imagine if you will, that the inside of my head is like a squash court. picture a handful of subjects, each subject represented by a super ball. wind up like a major league picture and fire the super balls at the nearest wall and then get the hell out of the way. that my friends is the best way to describe what is currently going on betwixt my ears.
i am going to give myself extra cool points for working the word 'betwixt' into today's post. i think it takes a special kind of insanity to go from super ball imagery to a word like 'betwixt' without losing a beat or pulling a muscle.
further who would have thought i could have go on for three whole paragraphs about nothing. hopefully you didn't invest too much time reading this post since i have no way of giving you your four and a half minutes back. perhaps you could put it on my tab and i will owe you all a real blog at a later date?
after all people, they can't all be winners.
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