Monday, January 07, 2013

day twenty-two

well i am amazed how well it went at the gym this evening. there was heavy traffic, which i expected and there was a sea of new faces which i also expected. i didn't have to wait for a single piece of equipment which was all kinds of awesome. so wasn't a whole lot of time left over to play, 'what in the sam hell is he/she doin?'

today was back day which meant it was my day to dead lift. you may remember that i was constantly tearing the crap out of my right leg? well i am happy to report that in the past two weeks i have managed to keep from re-opening that spot. it may actually have the opportunity to heal. my left leg however was not as fortuitous. as i blog i am sitting here sporting a brand new band-aid. since i left the phone in the locker today there are no new bloody shin pics to add to my collection.

guys dig scars i tell ya!!!

and before i forget i added 200 words today.

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