Friday, April 14, 2006

operation kitchen storm - day 1

started trying to relocate the family homestead from under the haze of dust that has descended since the parental units went south. its not that my brother or i were intentionally trying to let things slide. its just that between our two schedules it was quite difficult to fit regular house work in. to be honest, its about all i can do to stay on top of my cooking, training, work...

now don't get me wrong. i don't think i have it any harder than anyone. i think that just because this is all so new to me it's taking me a while to figure out a schedule that works. but i will, i can be a tenacious lil' cuss when i set my mind to it.

one of the members at the gym today asked me when my show date was. i so eloquently replied 'say huhhhh??'. which caused her to apologize profusely and explain that she had been seeing how hard i was training lately and was POSITIVE i was getting ready for a show. i just laughed and told her i was crazy like that. she accepted it and happily went on her way. fooled another one!!!

another member noticed my new darker skin and wanted to know where i went. that really suprised me because i did not think that this 'tan' looked natural at all. go figure. oh yeah i still haven't answered him... mostly because i didn't want to lie and say something i wasn't going to remember later.

i went and got that massage i needed, even though with this 'tan', i'm not supposed to. the massage and the oils used are going to cause me to fade faster. i was going to cancel it but since this is just a dry run and its far more important that i be able to train injury-free... dayumm the torpedos full steam ahead.

the treatment was 'holy cow' painful, my quad muscle was ridiculously tight. she spent an entire hour on one leg and it was still tighter than she would have liked. since it no longer hurt, as far as i was concerned, i was cured. i think she is a perfectionist... one of the reasons why i like going to her. she is another one of those positive influences who are part of my support system. friends like that reaffirm my belief in people. i find that i can be more confident in my ability to make friends, (with people who are without alterior motives and dark sides).

i leave you with my favourite quote
~doubt is the killer of dreams~

1 comment:

Storm1 said...

Hey Kiddo!
nice quote...and "keep it moving" to quote Mannie Fresh!
I saw you hit up my blog. I'll have pic of my work up soon and I will let you know. Glad you're feeling better..Aero