Sunday, November 26, 2006


so i went to brantford last night to check out the last show of the season. a friend of mine had picked it to be her coming out party and what a cotillion it was! she didn't just make a buzz, she roared. justly so... i have never seen any athlete step on a level 1 stage looking so prepared. hell i'm trying to remember if i've seen a level 2 that prepared. if you can't tell i am pretty proud of her. hell i'm proud of all of my fbb friends each and everyone of them has had a banner year.

darrem charles guest posed. i love darrem, some of you know i've got mad love for 'marvelous' melvin anthony and i even have an extra special soft spot for the 'texas tornado' frank roberson. and based on a link sent to my by my friend army i look forward to fred smalls getting his pro card. you all know where i stand on the art of posing, so i won't bore you by repeating myself.

i passed darrem as he was leaving the venue. actually he almost walked into me. i'm not sure that would have been a bad thing, i would love to know what that kind of muscle feels like up close!!! ummm.... ahhhh... ok... what was i saying??? oh... yeah..... focus miche... so as i passed darrem i said 'that was an awesome posing routine', and as he thanked me i added ...'as always'. of course in true miche fashion the entire exchange happened with me in motion!! i'm a big ole chicken sh!t when it comes to the menz.

they had a programme with much of the 2007 schedule listed on it. of course i looked and there was a show on the date that i had expected the ontario naturals to be on. i was confused. it's not logical to have two shows on the same day. did that mean my show was the last weekend of june?

well i happened to notice the show promoter wandering around the venue. i kept wondering aloud if i should go ask him. my friend, who was probably tired of listening to me (lol) told me to go ask... so i did. well the long and the short of it is, the show date has been changed but not by a week or two. i found out last night that i have exactly two weeks left of offseason growth before i need to start dieting for the end of fawkin april!!!

the question here is, have i recovered from the horrific rebound i had post comp/post photo shoot?? as of yesterday morning 22 weeks our, i was a mere 36 fawking lbs over contest weight. ok for those of you who do not know, for an unassisted athlete 36 lbs over is all kinds of bad. sure i've added muscle along with that 36lbs but and this is the kicker! unassisted it is next to impossible to maintain the new muscle mass as i burn off the excess fat tissue. thus i could come in stringy and flat!!!

well i've talked to the man who coached me through my show prep and he feels i will be 'fine' and that enough time has passed and that my body will respond. since i tried dieting as recently as just before miami to no avail i'm not so sure. besides i did 'fine' last year... fine sucks... i want more!!!!

as soon as nature's source opens today i'm calling to book an appointment to see george. he did my diet last year... well actually he's been doing it for the past 6+ years. he will have a better idea if april is do-able for me. he also needs to know that i intend to be much better conditioned than last time. i'm thinking i need to be down closer to 10%. i think i was 14% last time and the pictures and placing tell the story. not nearly lean enough!!!

so most would ask am i upset or bothered about dieting through x-mas? actually now. no disrespect intended to my family but for the longest time i haven't enjoyed anything i've had at any family function. i had cake at my brothers birthday, pie at thanksgiving and it was all just disappointing... and the meals themselves???? yawn!!!

i'm upset about two things; being 7 weeks out at the arnold classic in march and only having two more weeks to add mass.


oh well, if it was easy... everybody'd be doing it.

go time in two weeks???? stay tuned

Friday, November 24, 2006

just wanted you to know...

as i mentioned previously i have started training in the evenings and starting my day a little bit later. its only been a week so far but at this point it's looking pretty good. since saturday night i have amassed 40 hours of sleep... which is not bad at all. i find i am tired when i go to bed now and i seem to spend less time tossing and turning before i nod off. i am also sleeping through the night. as well the scale which went bananas after i returned from miami seems to be heading in a positive direction. here's hoping this works and i am not looking at a 24 week contest prep.

speaking of contest preps... going to the last show of the season this weekend in brantford. one of my friends from the boards is competiting. i am proud of her. hell i am proud of anyone who decides they want to compete and does the hard work... the diet, the exercise, the hours of cardio, the sacrifice, etc... trust me the journey to the stage is oft times a battle of will. everyone who makes it should be commended. saturday will be an exciting time.

wow... that's it till 2007... next show will be the arnold classic in march. yikes!! that feels so far away.

interestingly enough... time truly is relative. my march trip to ohio seems so far away however, i start dieting february 4th and that feels like it is just a few weeks away. LOL. must have something to do with spending half of the year dieting. i am not complaining... one half of the year dieting the other half of the year getting big... its what we do.

may you all have the very best day you can.

Friday, November 17, 2006

i've been thinkin again...

on to the new plan. I have decided that it’s time for a new plan. I based this decision on the simple fact that I am almost always exhausted. I need more sleep. without more quality sleep I will not grow, and I will not be able to control the body fat.

so what’s the new plan? well first starting next week I’m returning to evening workouts. I never get to bed by 9pm no matter what I try. the best I’ve ever been able to do was 9:15pm. more times than not I’m still wide awake till closer to 10:30pm. well if I am going to be up late anyways it makes no sense to get up at 4am. so I will be starting my day closer to 6am… except on the days when I have to train my a.m client.

as for clients. I’ve happily gone months without any new folks and within the last couple of months ive been getting more requests than I know what to do with. not enough to make a living off… but I’ve recently been asked by 3 people and they claim to specifically want to train with me. with my work schedule I have my hands more than filled with the two clients I have now.

here is a funny story for you. as some of you know I am on myspace. one of my myspace friends recently sent me email telling of a young friend of hers who saw my pic on her page and wants her to hook him up I guess. so she emailed me to find out how I felt about it. well… to say I am a bit hesitant is an understatement. she doesn’t have a very good track record with me. the last guy she attempted to set me up with spent the entire date telling me about how he met her, how sweet she was, how much fun she was… it didn’t take me long to realize that buddy was clearly out with the ‘wrong’ woman.

now I can’t blame this on my friend but my last experience with the fix-up went even worse. the guy who did the fixing claimed that he had a friend he thought I would like. I was told that this guy ‘looked’ like a bodybuilder. well of course I was curious. the young man also rollerbladed, albeit recreationally, so my friend thought it was a match made in heaven. well I met his friend and he had a basketball players physique. I know what your thinking well some of those ballplayers are kind of jacked. well with all due respect this guy was more like a chris bosch physique than say a karl malone (back when he was huge). so this little charmer and I went rollerblading partway through the skate he got hot and he took off his shirt. his shorts were riding way low and I had a confirmed view of much butt crack… that mofo was running commando!!! wtf?!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

home again... naturally

as i had originally planned i spent november 9-13th in miami checking out the NPC nationals. it is the last pro-qualifier of the bodybuilding season. as i am on a few bb boards it was no great suprise to realize that a lot of the competitors were people i knew from the boards.

i had hoped that elena seiple would finally be awarded her pro card but once again it just wasn't to be. mandy polk who had the misfortune of getting tangled in the ryan-titus mess was able to win her pro card after going through a pretty horrific year of bad luck and negative fall out. so i was pretty happy for her.

i also have to admit i become more and more of a fitness fan the more of these shows i attend. those women are out of their ever lovin mind. they will leap 800 feet into the air and then land in full splits. i wonder if they dont suffer from bruising and if any of that mess would affect their ability to have children at a later date?

i was a bit disappointed with bb to be honest with you. i just didn't feel like there were any entertainers on the stage. for the most part routines were mandatories with a musical backdrop. i longed for a melvin anthony, a vince taylor or even a king kamali type to bring the house down. i can't express how important i feel the night routine is to our sport. sure, everybody knows that all scoring is done in prejudging. nothing that happens during the night show has any impact on final placings.

you know what? as competitive athletes we have foisted our moody azzes on our friends and families as we prep for the big day. these same people, most often mere a fan of the person on stage and not of the sport, sit through endless shows just to get a chance to glimpse at us. we OWE those people a show. more than just being big, symmetrical and ripped on stage... we have to be entertaining as well.

oddly enough i ran into fbb pro's colette nelson, mimi jabalee and amanda dunbar outside of the south beach gold's on the friday. colette and i got into a conversation about the importance of the final routine. she basically had this to say, 'i used to worry about winning and finishing first... don't get me wrong, i still want to win but now i focus more on the performance... on owning that stage. i find i'm a lot more relaxed that way.' she then went on to speak of some of the more entertaining female posers she looks up to women like lenda murray and patterns her night routine after that kind of professionalism.

i ended up getting into a discussion about routines with one of the friends i was travelling with. we both come at the night routine from different angles... although we are both performers in our own right. she prefers to plant the audience full of family and friends who will scream for her. they more they scream the more she will perform. i on the other hand prefer to be in front of a room full of strangers. if i can get those strangers screaming for me... then i know i have done it. i was like that back when i was rollerblading as well.

i remember my week performing at a fair in ladsen, south carolina. every day i would drop in on the ramp taking a few set up airs, just to feel how the ramp felt. i would barely go over the coping. you see during warm ups we would often have a crowd gathered who would then stick around for the show. once the show started and they introduced me i would drop in and i would launch myself up out of the ramp as high as i could. you know what i always heard on that first air?? the entire crowd would gasp, by the time i aired off of my second wall they were mine. maybe that sounds bad... but it gave the audience a better show and i know doing it that way i gave a better show... so as near as i can tell, everybody won.

two more weeks until my friend does her first show. from all the pics of her i've seen, she is looking amazing. she is using the same guy to dial her in that i did... i have to remember to tell him that he better dial me in that tight next time cuz i know i wanna go on stage looking THAT good.