Thursday, May 30, 2013

if i only had a dollar...

...for every time some one came up to me in the gym and confided in me what they were taking, what they used to take or what they wanted to take i would be a very wealthy woman.

i am not entirely sure what it is about me that makes these people treat me like father confessor. am i supposed to absolve them of their sins and then tell them to go squat ass to ground? should i be impressed? should i feel somehow closer to these people who's names i don't even know because they told me?

and why do most of them say the weirdest things? like the guy who laments about how he took what he took and then he stopped and he got all small again. yeah? research much? or the ones who complain about expensive it is to buy protein, creatine and the like to supplement training. are they under the misconception that gear is somehow cheaper? do they believe that by taking gear they are no longer required to take protein and such? i suspect in fact they do because a lot of people who have spent a lot of money clearly do not have physiques to envy.

don't they realize that it makes no sense to put indy car fuel in the smart car you only drive on sundays to the supermarket? if your going to use the high octane gasoline at least make sure your putting it in a high performance vehicle.

but mostly if you do, if you did, if you want to... keep it to yourself. it really is none of my business. but mostly don't tell me because i don't know sh*t about it and i can't help you.

265 words today.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

rampant foolishness abounds

from time to time i will get in here and bemoanthe stupid, useless training practices performed by some of the population at my gym. i am not sure what the hell happened this evening. it was like there was a mass of bodies warming up for their cirque du soleil audition.

guys hanging off of all the equipment. some were either inverted like bats. others were hanging in the pike position and shifting from the left to the right and my personal favourite the idiot who felt the need to do inverted pushups at the cable station.

seriously who in the hell left the gate open?

back when i first started training there it was a muscle-head gym. there were huge guys and gals lifting big ass weight. back when people were actually trying to build muscle. these days it is like the males and females of the population are scared to death to actually engage their muscle fibres.

i almost forget about the goober who demonstrated a new way to do cable crossovers. first he raised the tail of his shirt over his head to expose his chest. he then proceeded to perform a set that didn't even cause a single muscle to contract.

again i ask what is the point?

and now that i have that foolishness of my chest i will conclude today's rant with the news of 119 written words.

Monday, May 27, 2013

in brief

i'll keep this one brief.

169 words.

i know it wasn't worth the trip to acton. i'm sorry, i promise to do better in the future.

if at first you don't succeed?

i took the camera out again today. i went back to a sites i had been previously. i wanted to try to shoot some boats and i had really hoped to catch some reflections off the surface of the water. i got some reflection but not quite what i had in mind. it is likely that it was just the wrong time of the day to be shooting for that. but nevertheless i did get some shots that i am pretty proud of so the day was a win.

if you are keeping track back in early february i sent the game scene from my basketball story to a woman who had played collegiate ball, coached and refereed. she promised to take a look at my scene and provide feedback. she confirmed receipt of the scene but i never heard from her again.

in early march i sent the game scene to a woman who is the head coach of a collegiate women's team. she promised to take a look, provide feedback and answer any further questions i had. a month passed before i sent a follow-up email she apologized for not responding earlier and promised to reply by the end of that week. i never heard from her again.

today i sent the game scene to a journalist who covers collegiate women's basketball. my fingers are crossed that the third time is the charm.

much of what i wrote today was just re-working the game scene before i sent it off and that is why i am recording a mere 15 words.

and some pictures for your amusement... or maybe just mine.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

the song remains the same

the bloke and i discussed my failing and we have decided to continue the challenge however the new end date is the 2nd of july. an extra 30 days tacked on for those who are counting.

i went to see the fast and furious sequel. fast and furious 6, again for those who are counting. the american muscle car is a beautiful thing and i for one believe you have to support a movie franchise that plays homage to some of the best that ever was. the '69 stang briefly starred in this sequel and that beauty had my inner car chick salivating like one of pavlov's dogs.

i had a discussion with a guy at work who could not believe that they had enough material to make six fast and furious movies. as long as they keep showing the classics i will happily be spending my money on fast and furious seven through to seventy!!

it was a pretty pathetic 31 word showing but the important thing is that i didn't blow it again.

hopefully tomorrow i can get out with the nikon, i itch to shoot.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


well i done did it. i failed.

i run a dual monitor computer set up. when it comes to graphic applications i just prefer to have on screen dedicated to the file and the other monitor for the sub-menus. 'flash', the new machine has a video card that supports the dual monitor set up but unfortunately the second slot was for a hdmi connection.after work today i went back to the store to buy two new cables; a dvi-hdmi cable and a dvi-dvi cable.

back at home i was busy setting up the dual monitors. since the machine is new there are still frequent updates that have to be run. i lost a half an hour getting the update for all components of my CS6 software. the updates finished a scant five minutes before the start of the wnba pre-season. i intended to watch the 8:00 game and head to the gym at its conclusion.

i stepped onto the gym floor around 10:30 p.m. when i was back in the locker room after my workout i suddenly remembered that i had not yet written anything for the challenge. i quickly checked the time and to my horror it was 12:24 a.m. which meant that i had officially failed to write every day for 30 days. i immediately sent the bloke a congratulatory message and now i await the trash talking and the victory dance... although based on the way the bloke walks i am sure it would be more like a victory shuffle.

now i maybe a loser but i am not a quitter. so even though i lost i did write 207 words.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

i'mmmmm baaaaack!!

well that did not take long at all. i guess there is a bit of a difference between how fast a machine with 2 MB's runs and one with 10 MB's. i had my files uploaded onto the new machine in no time at all. i have yet to re-installed all of my software as the first order of business was to get the poster completed. which i did.

part of my ability to get up and running quickly was aided by yet another sick day. i am really starting to wonder what the hell is going on. i never used to get headaches frequently and when i did get a headache it usually meant i was about to get sick. but even then the headaches weren't much to speak of. it feels like i am getting them more frequently although it is probably because they are more severe these days. i don't really want to use the m-word because i don't experience the haloing, the vomiting and any of the other gnarly symptoms that accompany a migraine.

hopefully my head will feel free from the vice grips tomorrow, perhaps my throat will not ache and if i am truly lucky perhaps there will be no nausea.

my fingers are crossed.

now to catch you up on the writing challenge. it was 185 words yesterday and i added 254 tonight.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

my next challenge

over the next few days i will be backing up machine a and getting it ready to take it offline during that same time frame i will be loading information onto machine b and getting it ready to go online. i hope to have machine b up and running by sunday late afternoon so that i can finalize the poster art and deliver for monday.

does anybody have a delorean and a flux capacitor i can borrow for a few days?

although that might not be a good plan since hitting 88 m.p.h. would have me flirting with a street racing charge. i suppose i'd be ok if i went for it on one of our super highways at only 42 kms over the limit i might be just shy of the automatic impound street racing charge. i'd sure as hell hate to lose marty's delorean to impound.

f.y.i the writing will continue during the machine switch. it will just have to be done manually and there likely won't be any blog updates until it is complete. blogger and my cell don't work together too well.

be back soon!

Monday, May 20, 2013

a little research is a dangerous thing

well it is little wonder that i was experiencing such difficulties with my files yesterday. according to what i read today 8 MB of RAM is recommended for CS6 applications. it would appear that i am still working with 2 MB's.


what the hell was i thinking? i might as well be just tryin' to chisel sh*t outta stone!!

so guess who is currently pricing new machines?

yeah you guessed it the woman who very clearly needs to join the rest of y'all in 2013!

and 205 words.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

posters, pictures and pixels... oh my!!

i spent the balance of the day fighting with the poster design. but eventually i got something that i feel comfortable enough to submit for approval.

it has become apparent lately that it is time for a new machine. uploading, copying and or organizing my digital picture files are far too RAM intensive for the machine i have now. and that doesn't even begin to cover the challenge of working on a 3' x 4' poster. frankly all the calculations was giving my computer fits. which meant that i was having fits my damn self. it was one 'application not responding' error after another and trying to save the file was no picnic either. it is not uncommon when i am designing for me to have illustrator and photoshop running concurrently. trust me when i tell you there was no concurrent today.

my hand in digital poker has been played. interestingly enough it was one of the first shots i took. no wait it was the first shot i took on the first day i went out. i went out on three separate occasions and i just never got the shot i wanted.

sometimes you get an image in your head of the shot you want but try as you might it is just not there. and even though you have taken some shots that are esthetically pleasing and interesting in their own right, because you didn't get the shot you have in your head, you just aren't happy. it probably isn't a bad thing to go out with a target shot in mind as long as you are smart enough to shoot other things while you search for the elusive shot. you just can't let yourself get so focused on what isn't there that you overlook what is.

i also had a decent word count today 135 words. i will take it!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

you can't always get what you want

one of the hardest things to do, i find is to force creativity. it doesn't matter the medium. you can't force a good shot. you can't force yourself to write an engaging scene and you sure as hell can't force yourself to design something.

unfortunately for me i was trying to do everyone of those things today. if i had to grade my level of success using the standard 1-10 scale i think i would be generous if i gave myself a score of 3 or better.

i tried to used the ontario trails councils website to help me locate interesting sites along the trails systems for photo opportunities. today's excursion along the etobicoke creek turned out to be a bust. also i have to deliver a poster design monday and i am currently flying without a net. i don't have a concept, i don't really have an idea and so far it is an exercise in futility. as for my story i seem to be blocked again. for the third day in a row i have struggled to put together 80 words.

here's hoping tomorrow is a better day, creatively speaking.

Friday, May 17, 2013

i was a human miche-sicle

when you ride and live in the frozen north, you really can't afford to be too picky about the days you choose to ride. generally as long as it isn't teaming out, as long as the heavens are not awash with lightening you really should consider taking the bike. i am not going to mention snow and or hail as i trust you are all wise enough to make that distinction without my help.

today was one of those days when i opted to ride. suffice it to say that 7:30 a.m. was not the warmest time of the day. unfortunately that was the time i started out for work. i was maybe 15 minutes into the ride when i noticed that the tops of my thighs were cold. ten minutes after that i started to tuck my fingers under the fairing to keep them warm while i was spotted at the lights. i think my teeth were chattering by the time i hit the wide open farmland 15 minutes away from the office.

i am happy to report that i wasn't the only nutbar who opted to ride in today. the general manager came in on his sport bike as well. we agreed it was pretty effin' chilly out and spent most of the early morning in sweaters while the rest of the staff wandered about in t-shirts, shorts and sandals.

another slow writing day with only 80 words to my credit.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

caution: severe zipper damage

i rode the bike to work today. when i ride i wear my draggin' jeans, bike jeans with kevlar padding as added protection. i carry pants for work with me and when i get to the office i change.

it was during the change process this morning when things went terribly, horribly wrong. somehow my zipper self-destructed and i was faced with a dilemma. i decided that i really had no option other than to put my draggin' jeans back on and sweat profusely for 1.5 hours until the stores opened.

it was one hell of a start to my work day i will not lie. i suppose the upside is that i got a good deal on a new pair of pants and i was really only out of the office for .5 hour on my shopping expedition.

in other news i simply could not concentrate today to save my life and i have only put in a lowly 80 words. i hang my head in shame.

maybe tomorrow

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

scotty we need more power!!

well i almost had to compose this blog post entirely on my cell phone. almost an hour ago we suddenly experienced a full brown out. even though the power loss was a momentary dip and everything came immediately back on my computer went a little nutso. i could not get the internet back up no matter how many times i rebooted my modem. but i am happy to report that i was finally successful.

as far as writing days go, today was one of the better ones that i have had in a while. i was able to add 320 words. that coupled with the fact that i am still very pleased how well the current scene is progressing. go me!

oh and stay tuned. my father was already complaining to me today about 'de dayamm skwirrel dem,' so i predict there will be more fun and frivolity as my father does battle with the neighbourhood rodents. and why am i suddenly thinking about the bill murray character in "caddy shack"?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

the morning after the day before

the bruins fan did not disappoint. he went in to work early on a day he was not expected to be in the building. he went in, i suspect only to stir the proverbial pot.

he sprayed some sort of fixative onto the rubber welcome mat in front of the building. he used the fixative to 'paint' the bruins logo onto the mat. when you first you look at it, it looks wet, when you look closely you notice the logo.

between the outer and inner doors he had a flag sitting on the welcome mat. he tiled 15 sheets of 8" x 11" paper to create this masterpiece that he affixed to the carpet with clear packing tape. as soon as you walk through the inner door you are greeted by yet another 15 sheet tiled flag. the second one you could not miss as it was taped head-high on the cubicle wall.

i don't think he did anything else. although i can't imagine where he found the time to do all that he did.

i include, for your amusement a picture of the bruins floor mat.

only 140 words, i fear my 'clever' is broken.

Monday, May 13, 2013

tomorrow is going to be interesting

as the work day progressed there was a certain amount of trash talking that occurred between the two camps. the leaf fans vs. the bruins fan. the bruins fan really didn't say all that much today, he feared that his team was on the ropes.

the leaf fans wanted to put something on the outcome of the game. the suggestions i heard the bruins fan had to wash the leaf fans car. the bruins fan had to wear a leafs jersey and blue face make-up.

i say that tomorrow will be interesting because the bruins fan is the one with the better sense of humour and who seems to pull the better prank.

280 words. i still have a ways to go with the first draft, i am still quite a ways away from the end. i as starting to wonder exactly how long this thing is going to end up being.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

the day that wasn't

well i was itchin' to get back out there with the nikon. particularly because the poorboi decided that i won our last hand of pixel poker. which means it is my turn to deal, shoot first and pick the subject. however mother nature had other ideas. the first time i tried to leave the house with the camera she threw hailstones at me. the hail storm didn't last very long and the weather improved and i thought i might still get chance to shoot. no such luck she decided to see how i felt about sleet. i am not a big fan and so the camera and i went back home.

the weather improved again and i tried again however this time there were even bigger hailstones followed by another down pour. i decided i was beat and gave up. perhaps i will have better luck next time?

294 words.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

stretchin my digital muscles

the poorboi and i took our respective nikons out into the 'back of beyond' to do some shooting. first i should qualify what is the 'back of beyond' for me is still very much the big city for the poorboi. what would constitute as the 'back of beyond' for him involves tents, canoes and goin`potty in the woods. since i will not use a port-o-potty you can be damn sure that i will not be dropping trou in the woods... but i digress.

he taught me a few more 'tricks of the trade' and i am thrilled at how well some of the shots turned out.

but as always here are a few for your viewing pleasure:

and i added 285 words.

Friday, May 10, 2013


we lost power a little over an hour after i arrived at work this morning. a transformer servicing our area either blew, caught on fire or both. rather than sit in the dark we were told we could leave and we were to return when the power was restored.

i was on my way back to work friday afternoon when i saw, what i still cannot believe i saw.

i was heading west along highway 401, near trafalgar around 1 p.m. the westbound traffic was moving well but the same could not be said for the eastbound traffic. eastbound travelers seemed to be lined up like sheep, i can only assume that i happened to notice what i did because of the dense traffic.

in the eastbound lane, closest to the guardrail, was a man astride a white sport bike. it was not the fact that there was a rider that shocked me but it was the fact that sticking over the top of his helmet was a stem and a seat. as i pulled alongside the motorcycle my eyebrows disappeared into my hairline. it appeared that the dude was somehow transporting a unicycle! since westbound traffic was moving i didn't get a real good look but it appeared as though he somehow had the thing strapped to his body.

i have seen some strange things before but this by far was the strangest. i can't for the life of me imagine how he could even control the bike at highway speeds. i can honestly say it would not be anything i would be willing to try.

194 words today.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

the difference a day makes

today i added 230 words. it was an addition that i was far more pleased with than yesterday's effort.

yesterday was not a good day all round. work was far more trying that usual and the glute/ham/adductor injury kept me out of the gym wednesday. so i really should not have been amazed or disappointed by yesterday's difficult writing session.

work was not nearly as frustrating today. one minute i am sitting there practically spinning my wheels and the next flying down the proverbial highway at mach 9 with my butt cheeks on fire. the spinning wheels occur when the client is unable to decide what they want until they have seen countless options and colour variations and we frequently re-visit concepts previously discarded.

i really shouldn't worry too much about the constant revisions, the longer it takes them to approve a concept the longer my contract lasts. but when a gemini is surrounded by indecisiveness and forced to make endless revisions... it can make the poor s.o.b a little nuts.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

the war of the words

there are some days the words are just not there. most times i have an idea where to start, sometimes i even know exactly the sentences i want to use. but on the days when i am blocked it is brutal. i start sentences, delete them, start another in its stead and it generally suffers the same fate.

unfortunately today was one of those days. but the challenge is on so i battled on and put down 210 words.

hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

the added benefits to pixel poker

pixel poker is the name of the camera challenge that i am in with the poorboi. we are really only into our second round of play and already i am starting to see how i will benefit from this game.

for the first round the poorboi shot amongst the tree. he managed to do so in a way that there was some dynamic lighting coming through the curtain of trees. i spent a couple of hours in a park along the lakeshore last sunday trying to locate a shot with a similiar feel. i went into the 'game' with a target shot in my head and that shot wasn't available. i ended up trying all sorts of angles to see if i could somehow frame that shot with what was available to me. i was forced to be far more creative than if i was just framing a shot and pressing the shutter.

the poorboi's second round shot is a close-up of flower buds. what makes the shot is the fact that the background is completely out of focus. the only portions of the image that are clear are the flower buds and the strands of a spider's web.

after work i took the camera into the backyard and experimented a little bit. i was pleasantly pleased with some of the images that i was able to capture. of course i would be remiss if i didn't mention that there were many a shot that didn't work.

i still intend to go out on the weekend and see if i can find anything better but i also have a couple cards up my sleeve from tonight's effort that could work as well.

this game of our's was by far, one of my better ideas!

160 words were added to the story tonight.

a couple of the rejects:

Monday, May 06, 2013

it's a mad, mad world

last friday i heard one of the craziest news stories i had heard in some time. an oregon man who referees recreational soccer gave a yellow card to a 17 year old player during the course of the game. the 17 year old snapped and retaliated by punching the ref in the head.

the refeeree went to the hospital for what they initially suspected to be minor injuries. except it turned out to be not so minor as the man lapsed into a coma and died from his injuries.

the part that really blows my hair back is that this was not the first time the ref was attacked, nor was it the first time he was injured seriously. he'd suffered broken bones in prior attacks. broken bones!! i do not understand the man's desire to keep refereeing games. but mostly i do not understand the actions of the 17 year old.

i hope you like wearing orange kid.

in other news i added another 180 words but i am ultimately not happy with this evenings efforts.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

d100 day four

i managed to get out with the nikon today and i snapped about 30 frames. i have to admit that i was fairly pleased with the images. unfortunately there was the image that got away. i really wanted to shoot a picture where the trees formed like a natural curtain that led the viewers eye directly to a body of water located off in the distance.

i had my body of water, what i did not have was a dense enough wall of trees. i am sure such an scene exists near me, i just don't know where it is. perhaps i will find it on a future excursion?

i leave you with a few pics from today's efforts.

and for those keeping track 310 words today.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

so you think you can dance... scarborough

i spent several hours at the bike shop today waiting for a mechanic to be free to re-install the bottom fairing on my bike. one of the bolts must have snapped and the fairing was resting on pipe. a hot pipe equals smouldering melting fibreglass. i took the fairing off last weekend to protect the part from further damage and my father in a bid to 'help', unbeknownst to me, took a hacksaw to my bottom fairing. luckily he didn't cut much and when he told me what he had done i fought the urge to strike him.

as i mentioned it was a long wait but i was not without entertainment. my favourite moment was watching one of the mechanics attempt to get the attention of a customer who was in an intense conversation with another. the mechanic called out to the guy a couple times but the conversation continued. the mechanic started moving sideways and waving his arms while he called to him. still nothing. the mechanic broke out into a little soft shoe number. nada. he tried tap dancing. zilch. something that resembled michael flatley's lord of the dance routine. diddly squat. finally he went up en pointe raised his arms somewhat gracelessly overhead and proceeded to perform some sort of ballet tour de mechanic. naught.

i on the other hand nearly fell off my chair.

true story.

170 words.

Friday, May 03, 2013

international female ride day

the international female ride day was established back in 2007 and although i had a bike and a license back then it never worked out that i could ride that day. but this year the weather was perfect and the my new bike was raring to go.
it is about a 30 minute commute by highway. when i used to head east to work i rode through very populated areas and it really wasn't very cold for long. i quickly realized when work relocated to the west end that things were very different heading the other way. the wide open stretches of highway made for some very chilly riding in the early morning hours. so i had no intention of going anyway near the highway this morning and that was a wise decision on my part. it was still pretty chilly when the posted speed limits were 70-80 km/h. i can't even begin to image how cold 110 km/h would have felt.

the picture below shows my new baby elektra, as she waits patiently for five o'clock p.m.

i am pleased to report an additional 330 words were added to my story today. impressive considering that i had to stop writing in order to do a little research.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

thirty days hath may??

well actually that isn't true at all but once again it is challenge time!

i have let my basketball story stall out for far too long. it really has been difficult to move forward while i seemingly wait in vain for a response from either of the two basketball 'experts'. but it is really important to me to finish this thing and to that end 'the bloke' and i have embarked on yet another 30-day challenge. so i dug out the story, scraped off the moth balls and added a respectable 460 words.

i also have another challenge of sorts on the go. this one involves digital photography. 'the poorboi' and i will be taking our respective nikon's out into the universe and snapping pixels at will. well only if will is doing something really interesting. it occurs to me that i should go to the camera store and pick up a new camera bag. if i got a backpack style bag it would be easier to take the nikon with me when i went out with elektra.*

so looks like things are going to be busy in here again for the next little while. go me!

* the name of my '06 ninja