Tuesday, May 07, 2013

the added benefits to pixel poker

pixel poker is the name of the camera challenge that i am in with the poorboi. we are really only into our second round of play and already i am starting to see how i will benefit from this game.

for the first round the poorboi shot amongst the tree. he managed to do so in a way that there was some dynamic lighting coming through the curtain of trees. i spent a couple of hours in a park along the lakeshore last sunday trying to locate a shot with a similiar feel. i went into the 'game' with a target shot in my head and that shot wasn't available. i ended up trying all sorts of angles to see if i could somehow frame that shot with what was available to me. i was forced to be far more creative than if i was just framing a shot and pressing the shutter.

the poorboi's second round shot is a close-up of flower buds. what makes the shot is the fact that the background is completely out of focus. the only portions of the image that are clear are the flower buds and the strands of a spider's web.

after work i took the camera into the backyard and experimented a little bit. i was pleasantly pleased with some of the images that i was able to capture. of course i would be remiss if i didn't mention that there were many a shot that didn't work.

i still intend to go out on the weekend and see if i can find anything better but i also have a couple cards up my sleeve from tonight's effort that could work as well.

this game of our's was by far, one of my better ideas!

160 words were added to the story tonight.

a couple of the rejects:


Bloke423 said...

Those are great photos, Michelle!

miche said...

thanks bloke :)