Thursday, May 30, 2013

if i only had a dollar...

...for every time some one came up to me in the gym and confided in me what they were taking, what they used to take or what they wanted to take i would be a very wealthy woman.

i am not entirely sure what it is about me that makes these people treat me like father confessor. am i supposed to absolve them of their sins and then tell them to go squat ass to ground? should i be impressed? should i feel somehow closer to these people who's names i don't even know because they told me?

and why do most of them say the weirdest things? like the guy who laments about how he took what he took and then he stopped and he got all small again. yeah? research much? or the ones who complain about expensive it is to buy protein, creatine and the like to supplement training. are they under the misconception that gear is somehow cheaper? do they believe that by taking gear they are no longer required to take protein and such? i suspect in fact they do because a lot of people who have spent a lot of money clearly do not have physiques to envy.

don't they realize that it makes no sense to put indy car fuel in the smart car you only drive on sundays to the supermarket? if your going to use the high octane gasoline at least make sure your putting it in a high performance vehicle.

but mostly if you do, if you did, if you want to... keep it to yourself. it really is none of my business. but mostly don't tell me because i don't know sh*t about it and i can't help you.

265 words today.

1 comment:

Bloke423 said...


I love the part about the smart car and the supermarket!