Friday, May 03, 2013

international female ride day

the international female ride day was established back in 2007 and although i had a bike and a license back then it never worked out that i could ride that day. but this year the weather was perfect and the my new bike was raring to go.
it is about a 30 minute commute by highway. when i used to head east to work i rode through very populated areas and it really wasn't very cold for long. i quickly realized when work relocated to the west end that things were very different heading the other way. the wide open stretches of highway made for some very chilly riding in the early morning hours. so i had no intention of going anyway near the highway this morning and that was a wise decision on my part. it was still pretty chilly when the posted speed limits were 70-80 km/h. i can't even begin to image how cold 110 km/h would have felt.

the picture below shows my new baby elektra, as she waits patiently for five o'clock p.m.

i am pleased to report an additional 330 words were added to my story today. impressive considering that i had to stop writing in order to do a little research.

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