Monday, June 10, 2013

the walking dead

you may have noticed that i disappeared suddenly. now while i would love to tell you that i had won a lottery and had been gallivanting across the countryside with my millions that simply was not the case. first and foremost i have never gallivanted a day in my life and anyone who said i have is a damn liar!

the reality is that i have been working on a couple of projects that had me burning the candles and both ends and a bit in the middle. since last friday i have been stumbling around as though i had wandered off the set of resident evil. as luck would have it both the writing challenge and pixel poker in were temporarily put on hiatus and not by me!

even thought i was finally able to finish everything late last night and i still resembled an umbrella corporation casualty for the better part of the day. i managed to dive into my bed for a bit this evening where i spent some quality time staring at the inside of my eyelids with such focus and attention that you would have thought i was watching an IMAX or an ultraAVX presentation.

i am hopeful that things will be back to normal from here on out.

my last complaint is that for two weeks i have had a new camera lens that i have not had the time nor the energy to go play with. here's hoping that is something else knocked off the to-do list this week.

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